Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Running

It's Spring. Atleast in my part of the globe. Outside was a beautiful vast green landscape. The flowering trees are becoming alive with colors. Everywhere I look there is life. Birds on the ground and up the trees singing their song or maybe talking to each other. Who knows?

I was randomly taking pictures and suddenly a bird was running on the ground and I asked myself, why was she running? There's no one chasing her. Nobody to make her afraid. I was too far to make her afraid. I can see at a distance a better view of all things in her surroundings and found nothing to make her run.

Many times we're on the run. We have a goal and we run into it. The boss has given you a deadline and you need to do it in a hurry or else it would cost you your job or your reputation at work will be at stake. Many times our minds are running continouosly with the cares of everyday life- personal, work related, family related, relationship related, and many other things that each of us already knows.. Never ending struggles of the mind wearies the body.  And we asks ourselves, When will The Running end?

Suddenly the bird stops running and turn around to me as I was approaching to where she was. To my amazement she was not afraid but was hopping little by little to my direction. 
She seems happy. No sign of weariness in her. Could it be that she is running joyfully all those times? And not running because of fear? Could it be that she believes it is indeed Spring?

Why not choose to believe more instead of feeding the imagination with fear? Why not choose to run light?

A trustworthy word needs to be heard and it is for those whose hearts feels the grip of fear and for those who are tired of is for is for you...

“Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”

" You will run and not grow weary"

...because you have come to believe Spring has Come and The Running becomes easy and the burden becomes light.

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